Friday, April 23, 2010

Nope, Not Personal At All...

Readers will recall that people like Times editor Frank Bucholtz, myself, and others were criticized for suggesting that the Langley Teachers' Association should move past its obvious personal attacks on Cheryle Beaumont and work with all the stakeholders, including the Superintendent and the School Board, to get a handle on the District deficit.

Many commenters claimed there were no personal issues with the Superintendent, that is was all strictly business.

"Beaumont Burgers"? Is that just business? Seems pretty personal to me--especially serving them at her workplace. From the LTA's blog:

Again, I am not saying the District or the Board should get a free ride over what has occurred. I believe in political accountability. But the time for sniping and personal attacks is over: now, as a parent, I want to see all of these groups (the Board, the District staff, the LTA, DPAC, Principals, the Ministry, and the rest) sit at the table like adults, treat each other with respect, and do what's best for my kids. Serving Beaumont Burgers isn't going to accomplish that!